Rates & Modalities

Massage at Bodywork Brooklyn

Below, you will find a list of some basic types of massage that I do. But really, the massage that you get will be defined by what you tell me when you arrive. We’ll talk about what you want to get out of your session as well as any pain patterns or injuries that you may have, and then I will give you a great massage customized especially for you. Most sessions use soothing Swedish strokes and deep tissue techniques (unless you like a lighter massage) and may incorporate myofascial release, stretching, use of acupressure points, and tui-na strokes, depending on your needs. If you prefer a clothed Shiatsu massage, we can do that, too.


$125/75 minutes
$140/90 minutes

Special introductory offer: $80 for your first one-hour session

Massage Packages

Invest in your self-care by purchasing a package up front. By the time you reach the end of the series, you’ve got yourself a free massage.

$500/Six one-hour massages
$700/Six 90-minute massages


Swedish & Deep Tissue Massage

Swedish and deep tissue massage both use traditional western techniques to release tension in the body. Many spas will tell you that Swedish massage emphasizes circulation and relaxation, while deep tissue massage addresses chronic pain and injuries and that these are separate modalities. I find that these techniques overlap quite a bit and work in tandem; using Swedish techniques to warm tissues and relax the nervous system is an excellent way to prepare the body for more specific deep tissue work.


Shiatsu translates into English as “finger pressure” and is sometimes used interchangeably with acupressure. This massage modality encourages the smooth flow of chi (energy) along the primary meridians used in acupuncture. My approach to shiatsu is gentle and relaxing, combining stretches and rhythmic mobilization techniques with direct stimulation of pressure points along energy pathways to bring the body into balance. Shiatsu sessions begin with an energetic evaluation of the abdomen (hara) to determine which meridians we will work with. Please wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing for your shiatsu session.

Prenatal Massage

The main difference between prenatal and non-prenatal massage is the positioning. As with any other massage, we will talk about your areas of tension when we come in and will focus where you need it. That said, there are some physiological shifts that are common with pregnancy, and I bring my knowledge and experience working with many mamas to the table. Posture shifts to accommodate changes in the body during pregnancy, frequently resulting in discomfort in the lower back and hips, and I know how to soothe those spots. Organs and breathing space may get a little crunched as your body makes room for your baby. My approach to prenatal massage emphasizes the creation of space within the body. Using a comfy sidelying position and myofascial techniques, I release areas of tension and give you a little more breathing room.

I am certified in prenatal and postpartum massage, and I am trained in labor support techniques (when you are getting close to your due date, ask me about shiatsu points to encourage labor — I would love to give you some tips).

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